Category: Civic | Municipal
30,000 Safe Nights!
Posted By bsapp – Feb 10 | 2017
Harmony House – Domestic Violence Shelter Opens
Harmony House of Springfield Missouri provided safe emergency housing to families escaping domestic violence. The shelter provides, case management and advocacy to more than 700 women and children. Their mission is to help women break the cycle of domestic violence and live live free from abuse.
What started as an old three level hotel was drastically renovated to become a new domestic violence shelter for 160 people. The old shelter is more than 100 years old and had a capacity of only 100 beds. The new Harmony House features 160 beds and larger rooms that can sleep up to 4 people and have private bathrooms.This increased capacity equates to 30,000 safe nights of sleep. One of the new key features is a medical exam room overseen by Mercy Hospital nurses who will provide basic medical attention. The new space has conference areas, child care rooms, and a commercial kitchen.
Transform Kansas City
Posted By bsapp – Sep 3 | 2013
Transform KC is a joint effort between the Kansas City Regional Transit Alliance and the American Institute of Architects Kansas City Young Architects Forum. Together they have created a Calls to Ideas in which anyone was able to submit an idea for what they feel the future of rail should be in Kansas City. SDA’s very own Benjamin Hall has submitted his own idea, focusing more on a holistic approach to the transportation needs of Kansas City, and the 21st century American City in general. Benjamin’s approach was to create network of innovative modes of transportation while remaining both economically and environmentally sustainable. Below is an excerpt from Benjamin’s proposal…
The City Problem
“Cities happen to be problems in organized complexity, like the life sciences… The variables are many, but they are not helter-skelter; they are “interrelated into an organic whole.”
Jane Jacobs, “The Death and Life of Great American Cities”
In an effort to decrease traffic congestion, and improve the lives of city dwellers, a multi-modal transit plan must be implemented that combines public policy with good design. All modes of transportation should seek to be unsubsidized, and entirely self-sufficient. As with any sustainable trend users of such modes of transportation should not have to feel as though they are making sacrifices, but rather gaining from it. Public policy should focus on the densification of urban environments rather than attempt to master plan them. Densification is the key to the success of any mass transit system, to include cyclist and pedestrians. A diversity of businesses mixed with residential, and public institutions must be inseparable to assure activity at all times of day and prevent desolate public spaces where criminal activity thrives. Cities must be thought of as problems of organized complexity where the only solution is a coordinated effort among many disciplines that first seeks to thoroughly discover the issues at hand, and solve them with the combination of appropriate policy and GOOD design.
More Function at the Junction with a Fusion Facility
Posted By bsapp – Apr 30 | 2013
How does a community spark a downtown revival, provide much needed gathering space, expand city programs and promote health and wellness-all on a very limited budget? One method is through “fusion”
More Function at the Junction is a great article on the Carl Junction Community written by our own Kristi Beattie. See page 34
Carl Junction Community Center Wins Public Recognition Award
Posted By bsapp – Jun 13 | 2012
We are proud to announce that the Carl Junction Community Center has been awarded one of the three Public Recognitions Awards given by the Springfield, AIA Chapter.
[bra_blockquote align=’right’]Jury Comments: “The jury found the approach to program to be very ambitious and creative; the design itself exhibited interesting lines and innovative use of materials, brought together in a cohesive whole that makes a worthy civic monument.”[/bra_blockquote]
Public Jury Judges:
The 2012 Public Jury included Brian Fogle, President of the Community Foundation of the Ozarks, Amanda Rehani, Finance Director for the Springfield Regional Arts Council and David Hall, Fire Chief for the Springfield Fire Department, all of Springfield, MO. The Public Jury Liaison was Saundra Weddle, Ph.D., Professor of Architecture at Drury University, Springfield, MO.
Springfield AIA Helps Joplin Plan
Posted By bsapp – Oct 19 | 2011
The American Institute of Architects (AIA) conducted a design charrette for the City of Joplin on Oct. 13-14. The SDA team was excited for the opportunity to get involved and work with the AIA and CART for some hands-on design work to help develop project ideas for Joplin’s recovery. This was a significant event where design professionals from allover the region came together to work out ideas and develop the vision and goals set forth by the Citizens AdvisorySteve Telscher Recovery Team (CART). This two-day event included members of the CART, the City of Joplin, Chamber of Commerce, FEMA, State resources, architects, engineers, planners, and many other volunteers. The event concluded with a “presentation of ideas” to the public in an Open House format on Friday, Oct. 14th. CART is preparing for the Nov. 7 Council Meeting and the AIA will be using the information to put together a booklet to document the process and outcome.
Carl Junction Community Center Update
Posted By bsapp – Jun 19 | 2010
Well, we are almost there . . . . Construction on the Carl Junction Community Center is almost complete and it is looking great! It even has that great new building smell! All of the flooring is down, the carpet and the resilient flooring all look great. One of the most impressive elements is a curve that meanders throughout the entire building consisting of different flooring materials depending on where in the building it is. The curve even makes its way out of the building and is incorporated in the planter outside.
The furniture is in! The senior center, city hall and the recreation lounge area have all received new furniture this week, and it looks great, everybody will definitely be sitting in style. One of the concepts behind this building was being environmentally friendly, here at SDA we are very pleased at how bright the building stays during the day. Both the clerestory windows in the Lobby and Senior Center allow an abundant amount of light to flood the spaces and keep everything bright without using all of the lights. Also, the offices within the city hall have light shelves. These shelves allow light to reflect back upwards and fill the office with ambient light. They work great and also keep the offices bright. This is truly a one of a kind community center and we are very excited for the citizens of Carl Junction to be using this building. If you have not been by yet make a trip out to the center, you will be glad you did!