New Monett Middle School
The new Middle School, serving Grades 6 through 8, is Phase 1 of a district-wide facility Master Plan, adopted by the Board of Education in January 2020. Phase 1 also includes security improvements to three other campuses in the district and renovations to the existing Central Park Elementary. After completion of the new Middle School, grades will shift at all elementary campuses, and Central Park Elementary will be converted into an early childhood facility. This project was funded by a 2020 bond election, Proposition C.A.R.E., Which asked voters to approve a 25-cent increase to the tax levy.
The new Middle School is located on the 75-acre High School campus, adjacent to Scott Regional Technology Center, making a future physical connection to that facility possible. The design of the new school responds to and creates a visual relationship with the existing buildings on site, while allowing the new building to have a unique character of its own.
Future phases will convert the new Middle School into a High School through additions and renovations, at which time the Middle School students will relocate into the existing High School. With that in mind, the new school is designed for flexibility and expansion through site layout, interior circulation, and selection of construction materials. The two-story building design limits the impact on the site and allows for greater future expansion. The new facility is also designed for longevity by master planning the future High School additions and oversizing key core areas of the building, such as the administration suite, commons, and kitchen.
While the new facility has traditional classrooms and corridors, it also boasts lots of opportunities for flexibility and collaboration. A learning stair accompanies the monumental stair in the Commons. The learning stair bleeds into the adjacent Library/Media Center, which shares a transparent wall with the Commons. A Collaboration Suite on the upper level overlooks the two-story Commons. Operable partitions convert six classrooms on each level into three larger classrooms and allow for co-teaching. And break-out spaces in the main concourse overlook future courtyards.